Circle Drawings

Soft pastel on paper, 35.5cm x 27.5cm
Bob Percy's Isolated Sound Game. "Love the circle and the marks escaping their confinement" Natasha Day

Soft pastel on paper, 35.5cm x 27.5cm, sold
Improvised drawing to Charlotte Arculus's field recordings of rooks and jackdaws. "Poetry!" Professor Hanna

Soft pastels on paper, 42cm x 30cm
Best of the Music Fest from The Happy Couple. "I like the feeling of containment, balanced with freedom" Julia Cameron

"Problems for everyday Life", ink on paper, 35.5cm x 27,5cm
"Just makes me think and feel 'boom'" Julie Bancroft. "Very nice expression of percussion there!" Jane Otto

Soft pastels on paper, 70cm x 50cm
Playful interaction with Improvised Music by women with Sylvia Hallett, livestream from IKLECTIK.
"A real flurry" Tim Trompeter

"Pavilion", ink and pressed pigment, 70cm x 50cm
Inspired by a Plank session al fresco.
"Lovely to see the gathered energy" Sarah Goudie